Last Night, However...
It took me about 3 hours to actually get up and get into the shower. As much as i wanted to get my evening started, i just couldnt bring myself to get out of bed and into the bathroom. I finally gathered the strength, however, so i was sqeaky clean and pretty and smelled like flowers. Ariel and Vicki had been invited to some intimate gathering hosted by a close friend of their musician friend, Lucas. I hadn't planned on going until He called the girls asking them to hurry up because he felt awkward being alone at said gathering which was a group made entirely of homosexuals. Again, I was asked if i would be joining so I agreed. I got dressed, Photoboothed myself for a bit, and was ready to go(that is, after I dressed Vicki who was unable to pick out an outfit for herself).

Other Problems Of The Night:
1.The host of the gathering, Justin, was dressed as Heath Ledger from The Dark Night (makeup and all). As seasonally-appropriate as this was, it deeply bothered me that if i were to ever meet this Justin character again, he would recognize me but i would have no clue who he was seeing as I never actually saw his face. Scary/Awkkk.
2.As excited as i had been to know I was attending a get together made up mostly of smart, successful gays, I hadn't realized everyone of them would be between the ages of 30 and 40. Despite the fact that I am totally into older men, i wasn't exactly jumping out of my seat to blow one of these guys. Still, it was a blow to my ego to see that not a single one of these men seemed the slightest bit attracted to the single gay male in the room who wasn't old enough to run for president. (Not saying im especially attractive, or that men are obligated to be drawn to me, but you would expect at least one of these gays would be attracted to the only YOUNG gay man full of life and dainty youth who they could have easily gotten drunk and taken advantage of...No one gave me a second glance. Awkkk/Crushing.)
3.Justin had an adorable little dog, a black long-hair chihuahua i think. It was the cutest little fuck ever, HOWEVER, the dog wouldn't play with us!!! He would hardly come sniff our fingers unless we bribed him with pumpkin seeds! I had initially thought upon entering the house, "if nothing else, at least i'll get to play with a puppy!" Wrong.
The gathering slowed down, losing guests over the course of four hours. When everyone had finally left, we hugged our host goodbye and hopped on the subway, finally homeward bound after a night of boredom and losing all confindence I have in myself as a gay male. Upon returning to our building, Vicki and I went to Blue 9 Burger, rolled a special little cigarette, and ate our dinner in our small apartment bathroom. After fine-dining, we were still hungry so we made our way over to Duane Reade where we picked up some doritos and a sampler box of Whitman's Chocolates.
All in all, I have to say te evening was a total bust.
One more thing...While at the gathering, I recieved a single phone call from a girl i have met once at a bar and havent spoken to in at least 6 weeks. I assumed she had the wrong number, but she had called because she wanted me to come chill with her and her friends. Had it not been completely obvious that she was totally obliterated, I would have felt super complimented by her random invitation. Sadly, I am smarter than that and know she only called me after going through every other name in her cell's phonebook first.

An Excellent Morning ITunes Shuffle While I Blog:
1.When I Get Up (live), Tegan And Sara
2.Satin In a Coffin, Modest Mouse
3.Maps (acoustic), Yeah Yeah Yeahs
4.Bingo (diplo mix), M.I.A.
5.Poster Of a Girl, Metric
6.Sunday Morning, No Doubt
7.A Children's Crusade On Acid, Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
8.Alphabet Pony, The Kills
9.Young Folks, Peter Bjorn and John
10.As is Life, Four Tet
11.Girl On The Wing, The Shins
12.Tuff Ghost, The Unicorns
All in all, I have to say te evening was a total bust.
One more thing...While at the gathering, I recieved a single phone call from a girl i have met once at a bar and havent spoken to in at least 6 weeks. I assumed she had the wrong number, but she had called because she wanted me to come chill with her and her friends. Had it not been completely obvious that she was totally obliterated, I would have felt super complimented by her random invitation. Sadly, I am smarter than that and know she only called me after going through every other name in her cell's phonebook first.

An Excellent Morning ITunes Shuffle While I Blog:
1.When I Get Up (live), Tegan And Sara
2.Satin In a Coffin, Modest Mouse
3.Maps (acoustic), Yeah Yeah Yeahs
4.Bingo (diplo mix), M.I.A.
5.Poster Of a Girl, Metric
6.Sunday Morning, No Doubt
7.A Children's Crusade On Acid, Margot and the Nuclear So and So's
8.Alphabet Pony, The Kills
9.Young Folks, Peter Bjorn and John
10.As is Life, Four Tet
11.Girl On The Wing, The Shins
12.Tuff Ghost, The Unicorns